Individualizing Treatment of Substance Use Disorders Based on Neuropsychological Assessment
Joshua Masino, Psy.D.
Clniical Neuropsychologist, Enterhealth
1. Understand the assessment process used by neuropsychologists to assess, diagnosis, and treat patients across the lifespan with neurological, medical, and psychiatric conditions.
2. Comprehend how alcohol affects the structure and functioning of the brain, leading to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional difficulties.
3. Recognize how specific drugs, including opioids, cannabis, and cocaine, affect the structure and functioning of the brain, resulting in cognitive, behavioral, and emotional sequalae.
4. Understand how common types of therapy may need to be adapted to accommodate for the identified difficulties.
5. Realize the value of cognitive remediation as an intervention to treat neurocognitive deficits.
P.O. Box 471432
Fort Worth, Tx 76147