3 hours of Credit!!
Neuroplasticity in Action: Rewiring Internal Working Models of Attachment
Thomas Burdenski, Ph.D.
Workshop Description:Early lessons about emotion and connection form instructional blueprints that get stored in memory systems outside of our awareness. Left unchallenged, they persist into adulthood and directly affect the ways we respond to our emotions and how we interact in our intimate relationships. With the focus on the here-and-now relational experience, Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) works in a way ideally suited to unlocking and reworking internal working models of attachment. This workshop will incorporate the theory and technique of AEDP and make use of videotaped clinical material to demonstrate how it is used in clinical practice
1. Understand the importance of focusing on emotion and attachment studies in clinical work.
2. Understand and demonstrate how the emotional engagement of the therapist can be used to promote a corrective relational experience.
3. Demonstrate interventions to melt defenses, reduce and transform anxiety, and facilitate emotional healing.
4. Help your clients break free from old patterns and realize a broader range of personal and relational possibilities.
Event Time: 1-4 pm
Buffet Lunch Served: 12-1pm
Best Practices meets 12-1.
Location: RES-100
Best Practices: RES-100
Please park in Lots 19, 7, 8, or 11
P.O. Box 471432
Fort Worth, Tx 76147