3 hours of Credit!!
Tips for Working With Couples
Presented by:
Joyce Buckner, Ph.D.
1. Provide basic information that increases the couples understanding of their self and their partner
a. Inherent patterned behavioral tendencies
b. Learned adaptive reactive style (Family of origin roots)
2. Identify the underlying issue driving the Presenting Problem
3. Teach couples how to establish and maintain rapport (communicate with Empathy Respect and Authenticity)
4. Incorporate two techniques
a. Caring List
b. Behavior Change Request
Reference: Making Real Love Happen - The New ERA of Intimacy by Joyce Buckner, PhD
Event Time: 1-4 pm
Buffet Lunch Served: 12-1 pm
Best Practices (meets 12-1 in EAD 714)
Location of PD event: EAD-703
Please park in Lots 19, 7, 8, 11
P.O. Box 471432
Fort Worth, Tx 76147