Innovations in

Presented by:
Susan D. Gifford, Ph.D. FICPP, ABMP
Is ADHD a learning disability?
Cause and Comorbidity
Over Diagnosed?
Under Diagnosed?
New Tests Available
New medication/treatments
- Describe the etiology of ADHD
- Review changes in the recent genetic understanding and neurobiology of ADHD
- Learn about different factors in underlying ADHD across the age spectrum
- Discuss the relationship between Pathophysiological changes and treatment plans for ADHD
- Review the Mechanism of Action and new emerging treatments for ADHD; both with and without medication.
- Identify unmet needs for patients
- Review comorbidities and differential diagnoses
March 11, 2022
Event Time: 1-4 pm
In-Person and Virtual Options:
In-Person: UNT Health Science Center
RES 100 (Research and Education Building)
Park in Lots 19, 7, 8, or 11.
* Please make a lunch selection by 5pm on Wed, March 9
Virtual: via Zoom from the comfort of your home or office.
The link will be sent by Friday morning, March 11, 2022.
Continuing Education: Hours awarded will be determined by how long you stay connected to the meeting.
Certificates will be e-mailed to participants.